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BS IT 2st Semester Outline - Govt. Islamia College Civil Lines - Govt. M.A.O. Graduate College || Affiliated by Punjab University

 IT ‐ 102 | Programming Fundamentals:

IT - 102 Programming Fundamentals:

Objective :

Computer programming is an art of developing computational solutions to precisely describable problems. The purpose of this course is to introduce students with basic concepts of structured programming. After completing this course, they should be able to write elegant structured programs to solve different computational problems. Programs are demonstrated using the C++ programming language. However, the concepts are taught in a language independent fashion. Note that the basic purpose of this course is to learn programming instead of a particular programming language. The following topics will be covered in this course: Introduction to Programming Languages and Compilers; Flowcharts, Pseudo-code; Data Storage; Introduction to C++, Classes, Objects, and UML; Control Statements; Functions and Recursion; Debugging; Command Line Arguments; Preprocessor; Arrays; Pointers and Pointer-Based Strings; File Processing; Structures and Unions; Self-Referential Classes.


CS100 / IT 100 – Introduction to Computing

Text Book 

• Deitel & Deitel, C++ - How to Program 5th Edition, Pearson – Prentice Hall (2005), ISBN: 0130384747 

Reference Books 

  • Walter Savitch, Problem Solving with C++: The Object of Programming, AddisonWesley, ISBN-10: 0321268652 
  • Robert Lafore, Object-Oriented Programming in C++, ISBN-10: 0672323087

IT ‐ 104 | Digital Logic Design:

IT‐104 | Digital Logic Design


The primary objective of the course is to develop in students a thorough understanding of digital logic design principles. The following topics will be covered in the course: Number Systems, Codes (Parallel/Serial), Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Boolean Algebra, Positive/Negative Logic, Boolean Algebra (Dual/De-Morgan), Algebraic simplification, Combinational Logic, Truth Tables, Min/Max terms, Combinational Logic, K-Maps, Don’t Cares, Multiple outputs, Combinational Logic, 5-6 K-Maps, Combinational Logic Design Practices, Negative numbers, Addition, multiplication, parity, decoders, Encoder, Multiplexor /Demux, Hazards, Tristate, Latches & Flip Flops, Counters / Registers, Synchronous Counters, Sequential Logic Design Principles (Wakerly), Mealy / Moore Design—Sequential Circuits—(Wakerly), ROMS, SRAMS, DRAMS, Memory Organization, ADC / DAC Interf Analog World, Digital Electronics, Characteristics, Parameters, Digital Electronics, Logic Families, TTL, CMOS, BiCMOS, ECL, Low-Voltage Logic, Open/Tristate Wired Logic, Bus Tnterface Logic, Mixing CMOS/TTL 



Text Book:

M. Morris Mano, Digital Design, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2004

Reference Books:

T. L. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, Prentice Hall, 8th Edition, 2002

Read: BS IT 3rd Semester Outline - Govt. Islamia College Civil Lines - Govt. M.A.O. Graduate College || Affiliated by Punjab University

MATH - 132 | Calculus (IT)-Il :

MATH - 132 Calculus (IT)-Il


The objective of this course is to prepare the students for coordinating problems by various viewpoints and to encourage and motivate the students to think abstractly, and explore possibilities in field of computer science, in particular, computer graphics. Class assignment will be given at the end of each lecture, and Software MATLAB/MATHEMATICA/MAPLE will be used to demonstrate the visualization of surfaces. The following topics will be covered in this course: Motivation and applications of the course, Rectangular coordinates in 3-space, spheres, cylindrical surfaces, Vectors, Scalar (dot) products, projections, Vector (cross) products, Parametric Equations of Lines, Planes in 3-space, Quadric surfaces, Spherical and cylindrical coordinates, Introduction to vector-valued functions, Calculus of vector-valued functions, Change of parameter, Arc length, Unit tangent, normal, and binormal vectors, Curvature, Functions of two or more variables, Partial derivatives, The Chain rule, Directional derivatives and Gradients, Tangent planes and normal vectors, Maxima and minima of functions of two variables, Lagrange multipliers, Double integral , Parametric surfaces; Surface area, Triple integral, Line integrals, Green’s Theorem, Surface integrals; application of surface integrals, Divergence Theorem, Stoke’s Theorem. 


MA 101 – Calculus I 

Text Book:

Anton, Bivens and Davis, Calculus, 7th Edition, John Wiley and sons, 2002.ISBN: 9971-51- 431-1

Reference Books:

Thomas and Finney, Calculus with Analytic Geometry, Addison Wesley, 9th Ed, 1999. ISBN: 0201163209

PHY-122 | Electricity & Magnetism (IT)

PHY-122 Electricity & Magnetism (IT)


The primary objective of the course is to teach student calculus based general physics,
particularly basic concepts of thermodynamics, electricity, and magnetism. The following
topics will be covered in the course: Temperature, Thermal expansion, Kinetic theory and the
ideal gas, Heat and First law of thermodynamics, Entropy and Second law of
thermodynamics, Review of Vectors, Electric Charge and Coulomb's law, Electric field,
Gauss's law, Electric potential, Capacitors and dielectrics, Current and resistance, Ohm's
Law, Simple resistive circuits (series and parallel), Magnetic field, Ampere's law, Faraday's
law of induction, Lien's Laws, Ampere's Law and its applications.


Mechanics and Wave Motion (IT)

Text Book:

1. Halliday, Resnick, and Walker, Fundamentals of Physics Extended, Sixth Edition,
ISBN: 978-0-471-32000-5

Recommended Books:

1. Sears and Zemansky, University Physics, vol. 1 and 2. ISBN-10: 0201603365

PST - 111 | Pakistan Studies:

PST - 111 Pakistan Studies:PST - 111 Pakistan Studies:


1. Sears and Zemansky, University Physics, vol. 1 and 2. ISBN-10: 0201603365

1. Pakistan Movement: Historical and Ideological Perspective 
  • Muslim Revivalist Movements in India 
  • The Two-Nation Theory: From Sir Syed Ahmed Khan to Allama Iqbal 
  • Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the Struggle for Pakistan Creation of Pakistan: Early Challenges 

2. Land and People of Pakistan 
  • Physical features and Geo-Strategic Location of Pakistan 
  • Culture and Traditions: Regional Dimensions 
  • Social Issues and Challenges to Pakistan 
3. History and Politics in Pakistan (1947-2008) 
  • Early Parliamentary Phase x Ayub and Yahya’s Era 
  • Democratic Era (197 1-1977) 
  • Zia Era(1977-88) 
  • Civil Rule (1988-99)
  • Musharaf Era (1999-2008) 

4. Contemporary Pakistan 
  • The Constitution of 1973: Salient Features 
  • Foreign Policy and Relations with neighboring countries 
  • Salient Features of Economy, Agriculture and Industry, National Resources 

Recommended Books: 

1. Muhammad Raza Kazrni, Pakistan Studies Core Texts far Colleges and universities, Oxford University Press (2006) 

2. Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi, The Struggle for Pakistan, Karachi, University of the Karachi, 1974 

3. Khalid Bin Sayeed, Pakistan the Formative Phase (185 7-1948), Karachi, Oxford University Press, 1968. 

4. Choudhary M. Au, The Emergence of Pakistan, Lahore, Research Society of Pakistan, 2001 

5. S. Qalb-i-Abid, Muslim Struggle for Independence (185 7-1947), Sang-c-Med Publications, Lahore, 1997 

6. M.R. Kazimi, A Concise History of Pakistan, Oxford University Press, 2009 

7. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Political Roots & Development. Lahore, 1994. 

8. Afzal, M. Rafique, Pakistan: History and Politics 1947-197!, Karachi, Oxford University Press, 2007

9. Rizvi, Hasan-Askari, The Military State and Society in Pakistan, Lahore, 2002 10. Burke, S.M., and Qureshi, S.A.D., The British Rj in India, Karachi, Oxford University Press, 1995

10. S.M. Burke and Lawrence Ziring. Pakistan’s Foreign policy: An Historical Analysis. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1993. 

11. Akbar, S. Zaidi, Issues in Pakistan’s Economy, Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2000 

12. Jinnah of Pakistan, Karachi, Oxford University Press, 1989 

13. Zuifi Bhutto of Pakistan, New York, Oxford University Press, 1989 

14. Shahid, M. Amin, Pakistan‘s Foreign Policy: A Reappraisal, (Second Edition), Karachi, Oxford University Press, 2010 

15. Abdul Sattar, Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: A Concise History 1947-2009 (2nd Edition), Karachi, Oxford University Press, 2010 

16. Hardy, Peter, The Muslims of British India, New Delhi, Cambridge University Press, 1998

IT ‐ 105 |Digital Logic Design Lab:


The primary objective of the course is to develop in students a thorough understanding of digital logic design principles. The following topics will be covered in the course: Number Systems, Codes (Parallel/Serial), Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Boolean Algebra, Positive/Negative Logic, Boolean Algebra (Dual/De-Morgan), Algebraic simplification, Combinational Logic, Truth Tables, Min/Max terms, Combinational Logic, K-Maps, Don’t Cares, Multiple outputs, Combinational Logic, 5-6 K-Maps, Combinational Logic Design Practices, Negative numbers, Addition, multiplication, parity, decoders, Encoder, Multiplexor /Demux, Hazards, Tristate, Latches & Flip Flops, Counters / Registers, Synchronous Counters, Sequential Logic Design Principles (Wakerly), Mealy / Moore Design—Sequential Circuits—(Wakerly), ROMS, SRAMS, DRAMS, Memory Organization, ADC / DAC Interf Analog World, Digital Electronics, Characteristics, Parameters, Digital Electronics, Logic Families, TTL, CMOS, BiCMOS, ECL, Low-Voltage Logic, Open/Tristate Wired Logic, Bus Tnterface Logic, Mixing CMOS/TTL 



Text Book:

M. Morris Mano, Digital Design, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2004

Reference Books:

T. L. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, Prentice Hall, 8th Edition, 2002

IT ‐ 103 | Programming Fundamentals Lab:

Objective :

Computer programming is an art of developing computational solutions to precisely describable problems. The purpose of this course is to introduce students with basic concepts of structured programming. After completing this course, they should be able to write elegant structured programs to solve different computational problems. Programs are demonstrated using the C++ programming language. However, the concepts are taught in a language independent fashion. Note that the basic purpose of this course is to learn programming instead of a particular programming language. The following topics will be covered in this course: Introduction to Programming Languages and Compilers; Flowcharts, Pseudo-code; Data Storage; Introduction to C++, Classes, Objects, and UML; Control Statements; Functions and Recursion; Debugging; Command Line Arguments; Preprocessor; Arrays; Pointers and Pointer-Based Strings; File Processing; Structures and Unions; Self-Referential Classes.


CS100 / IT 100 – Introduction to Computing

Text Book 

• Deitel & Deitel, C++ - How to Program 5th Edition, Pearson – Prentice Hall (2005), ISBN: 0130384747 

Reference Books 

  • Walter Savitch, Problem Solving with C++: The Object of Programming, AddisonWesley, ISBN-10: 0321268652 
  • Robert Lafore, Object-Oriented Programming in C++, ISBN-10: 0672323087
