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Letter to Friend Requesting Him to Lend You Some Books

Examination Hall,
A. B. C. (City).
August 20, 2014.

My dear Friend,

I am hale and hearty here with the grace of Almighty Allah and I hope that this letter of mine will find you in the best of your health and Spirits. am glad to know that you have done your F.Sc. with distinction. You have always been a shining student throughout your life. You know always welcomed your advice on the choice of books. Today I have to give you the same old trouble.

I have also taken my annual F.Sc. part 1 examination. Nowadays I am living with my elders in my village. I have no activity to undertake for the time being. I feel free like the high floating cloud. But I have become so accustomed to readings books that I find it hard to kill time without books. For the next few weeks, I have got nothing to do except to wait for the result. In the village, I am cut off from town-life and libraries. I have no reading material here. I feel so bored.

I know you are so fond of reading. You have a fine collection of books on literature in your personal library. I also love books on literature. Last year, purchased a few books on literature. By now I have read all of them. One of my friends has told me that you have recently bought two new novels i.e. 'Jane Eyre' and 'Emma'. I know that 'Jane Eyre' is one of the most celebrated novels in the English language. Charlotte Bronte is best known for this novel. Then Jane Austin is my favourite novelist. Six months ago, I read her famous novel 'Pride and Prejudice'. I have also read 'Bang-i-Dara' by Allama Iqbal and Urdu novels and stories by Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi. In English Literature, I have read 'Gulliver's Travel by Swift and The return of the Native' by Thomas Hardy. I have also read some books of adventure like Haji Baba of Ispahan, Robinson Crusoe and Alice in wonderland. These books can fire your imagination and inspire you with a love of adventure. In short stories, I have read Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare' and Stevenson's 'New Arabian Nights'. I can lend you these interesting books if you want to read it. But the purpose of writing this letter is to request you to lend me 'Jane Eyre' and 'Emma' for a few days. You know that a good novel or a short story is my weakness. I promise that I would return the books as soon as I have read them. I hope you would not disappoint me.
With best wishes
Yours sincerely,
X. Y. Z.

Letter to Your Friend Requesting Him to Lend You Some Books
